Biochemical Assay Kits - LabAssay™

The LabAssay™ Series is a collection of biochemical assay kits for analyzing samples from mice and other animals. Since analyses are performed in microtiter plates, many samples can be concurrently evaluated, and only small sample amounts are needed.

※For research purposes only with animal serum/plasma, Not for Diagnostic Use

LabAssay™ Overview

Code No. Test item Target animals Sample Standard curve range Amount of sample Measurement time Pkg. Size
633-51761 Ammonia mouse / rat Blood 100 - 400 μg/dL 70 μL approx. 70 min. 700 tests
633-51021 ALP mouse / rat Serum / Plasma 0.0625 - 0.5 mmol/L 20 μL approx. 20 min. 500 tests
635-50981 Cholesterol mouse / rat Serum / Plasma 50 - 592.2 mg/dL 2 μL approx. 10 min. 500 tests
636-51011 Creatinine mouse / rat Serum / Plasma 2.5 - 10 mg/dL 50 μL approx. 40 min. 500 tests
638-50971 Glucose mouse / rat Serum / Plasma 50 - 500 mg/dL 2 μL approx. 10 min. 500 tests
633-52001 Non‐esterified fatty acid
mouse / rat Serum / Plasma 0.4 - 1.97 mEq/L
*1 mEq of oleic acid=1 mmol
4 μL approx. 20 min. 500 tests
639-51001 Phospholipids mouse / rat Serum / Plasma 75.0 - 596.1 mg/dL 2 μL approx. 10 min. 500 tests
632-50991 Triglycerides mouse / rat Serum / Plasma 100 - 888 mg/dL 2 μL approx. 10 min. 350 tests

LabAssay™ Ammonia

Ammonia is mainly produced in the intestine or the kidney. Ammonia produced in the body is converted to urea through a series of reactions known as the urea cycle in the liver and eliminated through urine.

※For research purposes only with animal serum/plasma, Not for Diagnostic Use

Assay Principle (Modified Fujii-Okuda Method)

Ammonia is converted to Dioxydiphenylamine by the reaction of Phenol and Sodium Pentacyanonitrosyl ferrate(III). A reaction of the Dioxydiphenylamine with Sodium Hypochlorite produces Indophenol ,which pigments blue, under alkaline conditions. LabAssay™ Ammonia is a kit used for the quantitative determination of ammonia nitrogen in samples by measuring absorbance of the blue color.

Standard Curve


Kit Contents

Chromogen Reagent A
Chromogen Reagent B
Chromogen Reagent C
Ammonia Standard Solution
Dilute olution for Standard
100 mL x 1 vial
50 mL x 1 vial
25 mL x 1 vial
50 mL x 1 vial
15 mL x 1 vial
20 mL x 1 vial


Standard curve range
Measurement time
Amount of sample
Measurement wavelength
:100~400 μg/dL (μg/100 mL)
approx. 70 min.
:70 μL
:630 nm


  1. Inokuma, K. et al. : Microb. Cell Fact., 17, 153 (2018).

LabAssay™ ALP

Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) is an enzyme distributed in a variety of tissues such as the liver, bone and small intestines in animals. Especially, it is used one of the Osteogenesis Markers in bone metabolism research area.

※For research purposes only with animal serum/plasma, Not for Diagnostic Use

Assay Principle (Alkaline Phosphatase activity assay with p-Nitrophenyl Phosphate as a substrate)

p-Nitrophenylphosphate is hydrolyzed into p-Nitrophenol in the presence of Alkaline Phosphatase(ALP). LabAssay™ ALP is a kit designed to determine Alkaline Phosphatase activity in samples by measuring the amount of p-Nitrophenol released by p-Nitrophenylphosphate as a phosphatase substrate.

Standard Curve


Kit Contents

Substrate Tablet
Buffer Solution
Standard Solution
10 tablets
50 mL x 1 vial
50 mL x 1 vial
5 mL x 1 vial


Standard curve range
Measurement time
Amount of sample
Measurement wavelength
:0.0625~0.5 mmol/L
approx. 20 min.
:20 μL
:405 nm


  1. Ito, S. et al. : J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther., 333, 341 (2010). ※Extraction liquid of mouse kidney
  2. Matsuyama, A. et al. : Clin. Exp. Pharmacol. Physiol., 45, 75 (2018). ※MC3T3-E1 cells, C2C12 cells
  3. Chiba, T. et al. : J. Atheroscler. Thromb., 23, 1099 (2016). ※Mouse Plasma
  4. Kohno, Y. et al. : Stem Cell Res. Ther., 8, 115 (2017). ※Periosteal mesenchymal stem cells
  5. Iwakura, T. et al. : J. Orthop. Res., 27, 208 (2009). ※Extraction liquid of human culture cells
  6. Furuya, Y. et al. : J. Biol. Chem., 286, 37023 (2011). ※Mouse serum
  7. Itoh, T. et al. : J. Biol. Chem., 284, 19272 (2009). ※Extraction liquid of mouse culture cells

LabAssay™ Cholesterol

Cholesterol, a major component of cell membranes and the starting material in steroid synthesis in many animals, is a factor behind arteriosclerosis and other vascular diseases.

※For research purposes only with animal serum/plasma, Not for Diagnostic Use

Assay Principle (Cholesterol Oxidase・DAOS method)

Hydrogen peroxide produced by a reaction of cholesterol and cholesterol oxidase let N-Ethyl-N-(2-hydroxy-3-sulfopropyl)-3,5-dimethoxyaniline sodium salt (DAOS) and 4-Aminoantipyrin oxidize and condensate. LabAssay™ Cholesterol is a kit to determine total cholesterol by measuring absorbance of the blue color which is generated by the oxidative condensation reaction.

Standard Curve


Kit Contents

Standard Solution
150 mL x 1 vial
for 150 mL x 1 vial
5 mL x 1 vial


Standard curve range
Measurement time
Amount of sample
Measurement wavelength
:50~592.2 mg/dL (mg/100 mL)
approx. 10 min.
:2 μL
600 nm(Main), 700 nm(Sub)


  1. Kobayashi, Y. et al. : J. Pharmacogn. Nat. Prod., online (2015) doi: 10.4172/2472-0992.1000113  ※Extraction liquid of mouse Liver
  2. Gao, F. et al. : Evid. Based Complement. Alternat. Med., 2015, 801291 (2015). ※Extraction liquid of rat liver
  3. Yoshioka, H. and Onosaka, S. : Fundam. Toxicol. Sci., 3, 151 (2016). ※Rat plasma
  4. Fujii, N. et al. : Aging Cell, 16, 508 (2017). ※Rat plasma
  5. Ushio, M. et al. : Am. J. Physiol. Endocrinol. Metab., 305, E293 (2013).  ※Extraction liquid of Mouse tissue
  6. Kobayashi, Y. et al. : Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem., 74, 2385 (2010).  ※Extraction liquid of rat tissue

LabAssay™ Creatinine

Creatinine is a metabolite which is produced by creatine phosphate directly or dehydration of creatine in muscle and nerve. It is excreted from the body through kidney glomerular filtration.

※For research purposes only with animal serum/plasma, Not for Diagnostic Use

Assay Principle (Jaffé method)

LabAssay™ Creatinine can be used to measure the creatinin levels in samples by Jaffe's reaction where creatinine produces quantitatively an orange color with picric acid in alkaline condition.

Standard Curve


Kit Contents

Depoteinizin Reagent
Picric Acid Reagent
・0.75 mol/L Sodium Hydroxide Solution
Standard Solution
150 mL x 1 vial
50 mL x 1 vial
50 mL x 1 vial
15 mL x 1 vial


Standard curve range
Measurement time
Amount of sample
Measurement wavelength
:2.5~10 mg/dL (mg/100 mL)
approx. 40 min.
:50 μL
:520 nm


  1. Kawamoto, T. et al. : Glycative Stress Res., 3, 15 (2016). ※Human urine
  2. Guan, Y. et al. : J. Pharmacol. Sci., 135, 81 (2017). ※Mouse urine and plasma
  3. Ito, K. et al. : Biol. Pharm. Bull., 38, 1169 (2015). ※Rat urine and plasma
  4. Tahara, Y. et al. : Med. Chem. commun., 8, 415 (2017). ※Mouse Serum
  5. Nasrin, S. et al. : J. Pharmacol. Sci., 122, 270 (2013). ※Rat urine
  6. Toyama, K. et al. : Br. J. Pharmacol., 166, 1183 (2012).  ※Mouse plasma

LabAssay™ Glucose

Sugar is one of the most important sources of energy in biology. It is regulated by various factors within an organism. Glucose converges to a stable ratio of α-form and β-form in solutions.

※For research purposes only with animal serum/plasma, Not for Diagnostic Use

Assay Principle (Mutarotase・GOD method)

α-D-Glucose is converted to β-D-Glucose by mutarotase. Hydrogen peroxide, which is produced by a reaction between β-D-Glucose and glucose oxidase(GOD), promotes oxidative condensation of phenol with 4-aminoantipyrine quantitatively. LabAssay™ Glucose is a kit used for the quantitative determination of glucose concentrations in samples by measuring absorbance of a red color which is generated by the oxidative condensation reaction.

Standard Curve


Kit Contents

Chromogen Reagent
Glucose Standard I
Glucose Standard II
150 mL x 1 vial
for 150 mL x 1 vial
3 mL x 1 vial
3 mL x 1 vial


Standard curve range
Measurement time
Amount of sample
Measurement wavelength
:50~500 mg/dL (mg/100 mL)
approx. 10 min.
:2 μL
505 nm(Main), 600 nm(Sub)


  1. Yamashita, Y. et al. : Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem., 77, 888 (2013). ※Mouse plasma
  2. Narita, T. et al. : Exp. Gerontol., 104, 127 (2018). ※Rat plasma
  3. Yamasaki, M. et al. : Food Sci. Technol. Res., 21, 827 (2015). ※Mouse serum
  4. Fan, Y. et al. : J. Biomed. Sci., 23, 56 (2016). ※Mouse serum
  5. Wang, W. et al. : J. Renin Angiotensin Aldosterone Syst., 15, 384 (2014). ※Mouse serum
  6. Yamashita, Y. et al. : J. Nutr. Sci., 1, e2 (2012). ※Mouse plasma
  7. Maesako, M. et al. : Neurobiol. Aging., 33, 1011 (2012). ※Mouse serum

LabAssay™ NEFA

NEFA (Non‐esterified fatty acid) in the blood is transported complexed with an albumin to peripheral tissues. They are important sources of fuel for the peripheral tissues. The concentration of NEFA in the blood is regulated by a release from the adipose tissues, a consumption in the periphral tissues or a take up from the liver.

※For research purposes only with animal serum/plasma, Not for Diagnostic Use

Assay Principle (ACS・ACOD method)

NEFA (Non‐esterified fatty acid) forms Acyl-CoA in the presence of Acyl-CoA synthetase (ACS). Hydrogen peroxide, which is produced by a reaction between the Acyl-CoA and Acyl-CoA oxidase (ACOD), promotes oxidative condensation of 3-methyl-N-ethyl-N-(β-hydroxyethyl)-aniline (MEHA) with 4-aminoantipyrine. LabAssay™ NEFA can be used for the quantitative determination of NEFA in samples by measuring absorbance of a blue purple color which is generated by the oxidative condensation reaction.

Standard Curve


Kit Contents

・Chromogen Reagent A
・Solvent A
・Chromogen Reagent B
・Solvent B
Standard Solution (1mEq/L of Oleic acid)
for 10 mL x 4 vials
45 mL x 1 vial
for 20 mL x 4 vials
90 mL x 1 vial
10 mL x 7 mL

 ※amount of oleic acid; 1mEq=1mmol


・Standard curve range
・Measurement time
・Amount of sample
・Measurement wavelength
:0.4~1.97 mEq/L
:approx. 20 min.
:4 μL
:550 nm


  1. Kobayashi, Y. et al. : J. Pharmacogn. Nat. Prod., online (2015) doi: 10.4172/2472-0992.1000113 ※Extraction liquid of mouse liver
  2. Gao, F. et al. : Evid. Based Complement. Alternat. Med., 2015, 801291 (2015). ※Extraction liquid of rat liver
  3. Ogawa, K. et al. : Reprod. Med. Biol., online (2018). ※Pig cumulus-oocyte complexes
  4. Wang, F. et al. : J. Mol. Endocrinol., 52, 133 (2014). ※Mouse plasma
  5. Chang, Y. C. et al. : EMBO Mol. Med., 5, 1165 (2013). ※Mouse plasma
  6. Uchida, K. et al. : Exp. Anim., 58, 181 (2009). ※Mouse serum

LabAssay™ Phospholipid

Phospholipids are known as not only as major component of cell membranes but also perform vital functions within the body such as emulsification and absorption of fats or coagulation of blood.

※For research purposes only with animal serum/plasma, Not for Diagnostic Use

Assay Principle (Choline Oxidase・DAOS method)

Phospholipids are hydrolyzed by Phospholipase D to release hydrogen peroxide. The formed hydrogen peroxide promotes oxidative condensation of N-ethyl-N-(2-hydroxy-3-sulfopropyl)-3,5-dimethoxyaniline sodium salt(DAOS) with 4-aminoantipyrine. LabAssay™ Phospholipid is a kit to determine Phospholipid concentration in samples by measuring absorbance of a blue color which is generated by the oxidative condensation reaction.

Standard Curve


Kit Contents

・Chromogen Substrate
・Standard Solution
50 mL x 3 vials
for 50 mL x 3 vials
5 mL x 1 vial


・Standard curve range
・Measurement time
・Amount of sample
・Measurement wavelength
:50~500 mg/dL (mg/100 mL)
:approx. 10 min.
:2 μL
:505 nm(Main), 600 nm(Sub)


  1. Xu, Q. et al. : Biosci. Biotechnol, Biochem., 77, 1390 (2013). ※Extraction liquid of mouse liver
  2. Tatematsu, Y. et al. : Biol. Pharma. Bull., 41, 319 (2018). ※Liposome
  3. Kuge, H. et al. : J. Biol. Chem., 289, 26783 (2014). ※Liposome
  4. Kessler, E. C. et al. : J. Dairy. Sci., 97, 5481 (2014). ※Bovine
  5. Cheng, L. et al. : Transplantation, 90, 127 (2010). ※Rat

LabAssay™ Triglyceride

Triglycerides are neutral fats consisting of three fatty acids esterified to a glycerol backbone. There are triglycerides, cholesterol, phospholipids, free fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins as lipid-soluble substances in the blood.

※For research purposes only with animal serum/plasma, Not for Diagnostic Use

Assay Principle

Triglycerides are converted to glycerol-3-phosphate by lipoprotein lipase and glycerolkinase. Hydrogen peroxide, which is produced by a reaction between the glycerol-3-phosphate and glycerol-3-phosphate oxidase(GPO), promotes oxidative condensation of N-ethyl-N-(2-hydroxy-3-sulfopropyl)-3,5-dimethoxyaniline sodium salt(DAOS) with 4-aminoantipyrine. LabAssay ™ Triglyceride can be used to detect triglycerides concentration in samples by measuring absorbance of a blue color which is generated by the oxidative condensation reaction.

Standard Curve


Kit Contents

Chromogen Substrate
Standard Solution
105 mL x 1 vial
for 105 mL x 1 vial
4 mL x 1 vial


Standard curve range
Measurement time
Amount of sample
Measurement wavelength
:100~888 mg/dL (mg/100 mL)
approx. 10 min.
:2 μL
600 nm(Main), 700 nm(Sub)


  1. Gao, F. et al. : Evid. Based Complement. Alternat. Med., 2015, 801291 (2015). ※Extraction liquid of rat liver
  2. Funakoshi, T. et al. : Biochem. Biophys. Rep., 13, 39 (2018). ※Rat muscle satellite cell
  3. Moser, V. A. and Pike, C. J. : eNeuro, 4, e0077-17 (2017). ※Rat plasma
  4. Fujii, N. et al. : Aging Cell, 16, 508 (2017). ※Rat plasma
  5. Wang, F. et al. : J. Mol. Endocrinol., 52, 133 (2014). ※Rat plasma
  6. Kato, H. et al. : J. Hepatol., 60, 1032 (2014). ※Extraction liquid of mouse liver
  7. Fujimori, K. et al. : Prostaglandins. Other. lipid. Mediat., 94, 96 (2011). ※Extraction liquid of mouse culture cells

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For research use or further manufacturing use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

Product content may differ from the actual image due to minor specification changes etc.

If the revision of product standards and packaging standards has been made, there is a case where the actual product specifications and images are different.


Hours of Operation: 8:00 - 17:00 (EST)For other hours than the above, please contact us via the inquiry form.