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Analytical Chemistry

Analytical Chemistry

[Chromatography Q & A] Differences between silica gel plate and amino silica gel plate used in thin-layer chromatography (TLC)

Thin-layer chromatography (TLC) is a thin layer of silica gel, amino silica gel, alumina, polyamide resin, etc. applied on a glass plate. It is mainly used for simple and rapid confirmation of the pro...

Analytical Chemistry

[Chromatography Q & A] What is a difference in use of acetonitrile and methanol, which are used frequently in reverse-phase HPLC analysis?

A water and organic solvents is used frequently as an eluate of reverse-phase chromatography. In particular, methanol and acetonitrile are often used as organic solvents. Methanol is cheaper than acet...

Analytical Chemistry

[Chromatography Q & A] HPLC columns for nonionic surfactants analysis

"Solid-phase extraction-high performance liquid chromatography method" was added to the measurement method of nonionic surfactants in the Japanese water quality standard items (Notification No. 66 of ...

Analytical Chemistry

[Chromatography Q & A] What are the differences between Wakopak® Wakosil AS-Aqua for anionic surfactant analysis and ODS columns?

Wakopak® Wakosil AS-Aqua is a column developed as a HPLC column suitable for the analysis of anionic surfactants (alkylbenzenesulfonates, ABSs hereinafter) in an aqueous solution.

Analytical Chemistry

[Chromatography Q & A] Methods to Remove Proteins in Biological Samples

When HPLC analyzing low-molecular substances in biological samples containing a large amount of proteins such as serum, deproteinization is necessary. As shown in Table 1, methods utilizing various pr...

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