Sulfurizing Reagents

Using sulfurizing agent, the oxygen atom in the phosphate diester is substituted by a sulfur atom to give thiophosphate-based nucleotide. Thiophosphate nucleotide has good potential for nucleotide drugs. The sulfurizing reagents used in the phosphoramidite method are available.



  • Used for the sulfurizing reaction of the phosphoramidite method
  • Replace oxygen atom with sulfur atom in the phosphate diester
  • Used for synthetic methods of decoy nucleic acid and antisense therapy


  • All sulfurizing reagents manufactured by FUJIFILM Wako Pure Chemical Industries are sold for research use only.
  • Code # 042-34411 & 040-34412 are regulated by US patents. It can not be sold to US customers.

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Moisture: Max 200ppm

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Activators, Solution

Moisture: Max 30ppm

Activators, Solid

Moisture: Max 300ppm


Capping, Acetonitrile solution

Capping, THF solution

Author: Y.Shimizu

For research use or further manufacturing use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

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