Organic Phosphorus Pesticide Mixture Standard Solutions


Organophosphorus pesticides are widely used mainly as insecticides. Organophosphorus pesticides inhibit the action of cholinesterase and makes it difficult to decompose acetylcholine, which is a neurotransmitter, which causes impaired neurotransmission. Since organophosphorus pesticides are highly toxic to the human, their use is being reduced worldwide.
FUJIFILM Wako provide 4 types of organic phosphorus pesticide mixed standard solutions as FA series. 56 compounds of organophosphorus pesticides can be analyzed simultaneously.


GC Chromatogram



[ Instrument ]
Shimadzu GC-2014

Column:DB-1701 0.25 μm, 0.25 mm × 30 m
Column temperature: 60 ℃ (2 min)→25 ℃/min→150 ℃→5 ℃/min→270 ℃ (20 min)
Injection temperature: 250 ℃
Carrier gas: He 1.0 mL/min
Split ratio: 1/10
Detector temperature: 270 ℃

*Analysis conditions, charts, and detected ions are reference data. It is not the data to guarantee the pesticide mixed standard solution.


GC Chromatogram


*Organophosphorus pesticides may be adsorbed/decomposed in the injection port or column.
For example, when analyzed by splitless injection, formothion may partially decompose to dimethoate.


[ Instrument ]
Shimadzu GC-2014

Column: DB-1701 0.25 μm, 0.25 mm × 30 m
Column temperature: 60 ℃ (2 min)→25 ℃/min→150 ℃→5 ℃/min→270 ℃ (20 min)
Injection temperature: 250 ℃
Carrier gas: He 1.0 mL/min
Split ratio: 1/10
Detector temperature: 270 ℃

*Analysis conditions, charts, and detected ions are reference data. It is not the data to guarantee the pesticide mixed standard solution.


GC Chromatogram

Peak No. Constituent Peak No. Constituent Peak No. Constituent
1 Omethoate 5 Fenamiphos 9 Azinphos-ethyl
2 Disulfoton (Ethylthiomethon) 6 Isoxathion 10 Coumaphos
3 Monocrotophos 7 Vamidothion
4 Bromophos-ethyl 8 Azinphos-methyl


[ Instrument ]
Shimadzu GC-2014

Column: DB-1701 0.25 μm, 0.25 mm × 30 m
Column temperature: 60 ℃ (2 min)→25 ℃/min→150 ℃→5 ℃/min→270 ℃ (25 min)
Injection temperature: 250 ℃
Carrier gas: He 1.0 mL/min
Split ratio: 1/10
Detector temperature: 270 ℃

*Analysis conditions, charts, and detected ions are reference data. It is not the data to guarantee the pesticide mixed standard solution.

Organophosphorus Pesticides Mixture Standard Solution

GC Chromatogram

Peak No. Constituent Peak No. Constituent
1 Methyl Demeton 3 Parathion
2 Methylparathion 4 EPN


[ Instrument ]
Shimadzu GC-2014

Column: BP1 (SGE) 1.0 μm, 0.53 mm × 25 m
Column temperature: 100 ℃ (1 min)→20 ℃/min→260 ℃ (11 min)
Injection temperature: 150 ℃
Carrier gas: He 6.0 mL/min
Split ratio: 1/5
Detector temperature: 280 ℃

*Analysis conditions, charts, and detected ions are reference data. It is not the data to guarantee the pesticide mixed standard solution.


LC/MS/MS analysis example using Wakopak®

In LC/MS/MS analysis using FA series Wakopak®, 50 (52 components) of the 54 items (56 components) were confirmed.

  • HPLC Conditions
    Columun: Wakopak Wakosil-Ⅱ 3C18 HG
    2.0×150 mm(W)、C/N20029(9873)
    Eluent: A)0.005% acetic acid and 5 mM ammonium acetate in H2O
    Gradient: 0-6 min. B=5-40 %
    6-22 min. B=40-90 %
    22-27 min. B=90 %
    27-37 min. B=5 %
    Frow rate: 0.2 mL/min at 40 ℃
    Injevtion vol: 3 μL、0.1 ppm
  • MS/MS Conditions
    IonSpray Voltage(V) 4500
    Temperature(℃) 350
    Curtain GAS 20
    Collision GAS 5
    Ion Source Gas1 70
    Ion Source Gas2 60
  • The chromatogram shows the groups with similar sensitivity.
  • The displayed chromatogram is due to "Product 1" of the product ion in the list.
  • These data are examples of analysis, not for product quality assurance.


No. Product Name RT Precursor Product1 Product2
1 Dimethoate 8.6 230.0 125.0 199.0 FA-2
2 Fosthiazate 12.1 284.0 104.0 228.0 FA-1
3 Pyridaphenthion 15.8 341.0 189.0 205.0 FA-1
4 lprobenfos 16.7 289.1 91.1 205.1 FA-1
5 Propaphos 17.2 305.0 221.0 141.0 FA-1
6 Edifenphos 17.6 311.0 109.1 111.1 FA-1
7 Etrimfos 18.8 293.1 125.0 265.0 FA-2
8 Cadusafos 19.0 271.0 159.0 131.0 FA-1
9 Diazinon 19.2 305.0 169.0 153.0 FA-1
10 Pirimiphos-methyl 20.2 306.1 108.0 164.1 FA-1
11 Fensulfothion 12.8 309.1 281.1 157.0 FA-2
12 Dimethylvinphos 15.3(Z)、16.0(E) 331.0 127.0 170.0 FA-1
13 Etoprophos 15.9 243.1 131.0 97.0 FA-2
14 Malathion 16.6 331.0 99.0 285.0 FA-1
15 Chlorfenvinphos 17.7(α)、18.4(β) 359.0 155.0 99.0 FA-1
16 Methamidophos 3.2 142.0 94.0 125.0 FA-1
17 Acephate 4.5 184.0 143.1 95.0 FA-1
18 Omethoate 5.1 214.0 182.9 124.9 FA-3
19 Vamidothion 7.7 288.0 146.0 118.0 FA-3
20 Methidathion 14.6 303.0 145.0 85.0 FA-2
21 Phosmet 15.0 318.0 160.0 133.0 FA-2
22 Quinalphos 18.1 299.1 97.1 243.1 FA-1
23 Pyraclofos 18.5 361.1 257.1 138.1 FA-2
24 Phenthoate 18.7 321.0 163.0 79.0 FA-2
25 Phosalone 19.7 368.0 182.0 111.0 FA-1
26 Butamifos 20.1 333.1 96.0 180.1 FA-2
27 Profenofos 20.3 373.0 303.0 345.0 FA-1
28 lsofenphos 20.3 346.1 245.0 217.0 FA-2
29 Ethion 22.4 385.1 199.1 171.1 FA-1
30 Monocrotophos 6.6 224.0 98.0 127.0 FA-3
31 Dichlorvos 10.7 221.0 109.0 127.0 FA-1
32 Azinphos-methyl 14.6 318.0 132.0 124.9 FA-3
33 Fenamiphos 15.2 304.0 217.0 202.0 FA-3
34 Azinphos-ethyl 17.2 346.0 160.1 132.1 FA-3
35 Phorate 19.7 261.0 75.0 199.0 FA-2
36 lsoxathion 19.9 314.0 105.0 170.0 FA-3
37 Terbufos 21.9 289.0 103.0 57.0 FA-2
38 Chlorpyrifos 22.3 350.0 198.0 97.0 FA-2
39 Sulprofos 22.7 323.0 219.0 139.0 FA-2
40 Formothion 11.4 258.0 199.0 125.0 FA-2
41 Salithion 14.7 217.0 107.0 123.1 FA-1
42 Cyanophos 15.9 244.0 125.0 134.0 FA-1
43 Fenthion 18.6 279.0 169.0 105.0 FA-2
44 Coumaphos 19.1 363.0 307.0 226.9 FA-3
45 Cyanofenphos 19.2 304.0 157.0 276.0 FA-1
46 Tolclofos-methyl 19.7 301.0 125.0 175.0 FA-2
47 Disulfoton 20.0 275.1 89.0 - FA-3
48 EPN 20.2 324.0 157.0 296.0 FA-2
49 Bromophos-ethyl 24.3 394.8 366.9 338.9 FA-3
50 Prothiofos 24.8 345.0 241.0 133.0 FA-2

Components not detected: Chlorpyriphos-methyl (FA-1) 、Dichlofenthion (FA-2) 、Thiometon (FA-2) 、Fenitrothion (FA-2)



Product List

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Mixed standard solution

Organophosphorus pesticide standard

For research use or further manufacturing use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

Product content may differ from the actual image due to minor specification changes etc.

If the revision of product standards and packaging standards has been made, there is a case where the actual product specifications and images are different.


Hours of Operation: 8:00 - 17:00 (EST)For other hours than the above, please contact us via the inquiry form.