This product was developed as a nucleic acid reagent to replace ethidium bromide, which is known to be highly mutagenic. SAFELOOK™ Green/Red Nucleic Acid Stain can be used both pre- and post-staining. SAFELOOK™ Load-Green/Load-Red is mixed with samples at the time of use.


  • Safe to use because of its low mutagenicity
  • Two types of products are available: pre-/post-staining and loading-dye

Product selection chert

Green Nucleic Acid Stain
Red Nucleic Acid Stain
Load-Green (6×)
Load-Red (6×)
Staining method Pre-/Post-staining Pre-/Post-staining Addition to samples Addition to samples
Excitation wavelength 490 nm 540 nm 490 nm 540 nm
Fluorescence wavelength 520 nm(DNA)
635 nm(RNA)
630 nm 525 nm 630 nm
Light source LED*1 / UV LED / UV*2 LED*1 / UV LED / UV*2
Recommended gel Agarose Agarose Agarose/Polyacrylamide Agarose/Polyacrylamide
Recommended sample dsDNA / ssDNA / RNA dsDNA / ssDNA / RNA dsDNA / ssDNA / RNA dsDNA / ssDNA / RNA
  • 1: SAFELOOK™ Green Nucleic Acid Stain and SAFELOOK™ Load-Green (6x) can be observed under illumination from a blue LED.
  • 2: We recommend that SAFELOOK™ Red Nucleic Acid Stain and SAFELOOK™ Load-Red (6x) are observed under UV. (If you choose observation under LED illumination, please ensure suitable conditions)

Amount to use


Add 5 µL of SAFELOOK™ per 100 mL of gel solution. As required, add a further 5-10 µL to 200 mL of electrophoresis buffer.


Add 10-20 µL of SAFELOOK™ per 100 mL of buffer (1:5000-1:10000).

Addition to samples

Add SAFELOOK™ to samples/markers in the ratio of 1:5.

Examples of Use

Green Nucleic Acid Stain
Red Nucleic Acid Stain
Load-Green (6×)
Load-Red (6×)
Pre-staining Post-staining Pre-staining Post-staining Addition to samples Addition to samples

Staining methods

  • Pre-staining: During gel preparation, 5 μL of staining reagent was added per 100 mL of agarose gel solution. 5 μL of staining reagent was also added per 100 mL of electrophoresis buffer.
  • Post-staining: 10 μL of staining reagent was added per 100 mL of TAE buffer, to prepare the staining buffer. After electrophoresis, gels were soaked in the staining buffer for 30 minutes.
  • Addition to samples: Staining reagent and samples were mixed in the ratio of 1:5. The mixture was applied to agarose gel, and electrophoresis was performed.

Comparison with ethidium bromide (EtBr)

Agarose electrophoresis of a DNA marker (Product Number: 313-06961) was performed under the same conditions; bands were observed using an LED or a UV transilluminator. Staining was performed in accordance with the conditions recommended for each staining reagent (SAFELOOK™ or EtBr).

SAFELOOK™ Green Nucleic Acid Stain SAFELOOK™ Red Nucleic Acid Stain
Pre-staining/LED Post-staining/LED Pre-staining/UV Post-staining/UV


Q. Mobility of bands is altered.

A.With pre-staining, the dye binds to the nucleic acid and reduces mobility. Especially when samples contain large amounts of nucleic acid, or when there is a difference in the concentration of nucleic acid among lanes, mobility may differ even among nucleic acids of the same molecular weight. With pre-staining, the dye binds to the nucleic acid and reduces mobility. Especially when samples contain large amounts of nucleic acid, or when there is a difference in the concentration of nucleic acid among lanes, mobility may differ even among nucleic acids of the same molecular weight.
One effective solution is to change the staining method to post-staining; however, the problem may be solved simply by diluting the sample. The salt concentration of the sample also affects band mobility. In such circumstances, ethanol precipitation or re-preparation of the sample using a desalting column may solve the problem.

Q. How can I lower the background intensity?

A. The background intensity can be lowered by destaining the gel for a short time in water, before putting the gel into a gel observation system. However, destaining is usually not necessary.

Q.Can blue light (LED) also be used for observation?

A.SAFELOOK™ Green Nucleic Acid Stain and SAFELOOK™ Load-Green (6x) can be observed under blue light illumination.

Product List

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Pre/Post-staining Type

Loading Dye Type

Related Product List

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Ethidium Bromide


For research use or further manufacturing use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

Product content may differ from the actual image due to minor specification changes etc.

If the revision of product standards and packaging standards has been made, there is a case where the actual product specifications and images are different.


Hours of Operation: 8:00 - 17:00 (EST)For other hours than the above, please contact us via the inquiry form.