Presep® Fractionating Column Series

Presep® for medium-pressure fractionation and flash chromatography can be used in the medium-pressure fractionation / purification system of each company.

Silica gel series if you try fractionation first

  • Presep® (Luer Lock) Silica Gel (HC-N) Column: Spherical silica gel packing agent that can hold and load the sample at a high level
  • Presep® (Luer Lock) Silica Gel (SP) Column: Spherical silica gel packing agent that have standard hold and high reproducibility / resolution
  • Presep® (Luer Lock) Silica Gel Column: Crushed silica gel packing agent (small particle size) showing excellent separation efficiency

Physical characteristics of filler

Product Name Shape Particle Size (μm) Pore Diameter (nm) Pore Capacity (mL/g) Specific Surface Area (m2/g) pH
Presep® (Luer Lock) Silica Gel (HC-N) Spherical 35-63 4 0.5 780 6.5-7.5
Presep® (Luer Lock) Silica Gel (SP) Spherical 40-64 6 0.75 475 6.5-7.5
Presep® (Luer Lock) Silica Gel Crushed 20-40 7 0.8 450 5.5-7.5

Aminopropyl-modified silica gel series suitable for basic compounds

  • Presep® (Luer Lock) NH2 (HC) Column: Spherical silica gel packing agents make it possible to perform separation and purification in normal-phase, reversed-phase, and ion exchange modes
  • Presep® (Luer Lock) NH2 Column: Crushed silica gel showing the same separation mode as that of spherical silica gel

Physical characteristics of filler

Product Name Shape Particle Size (μm) Pore Diameter (nm) Pore Capacity (mL/g) Specific Surface Area (m2/g)
Presep® (Luer Lock) NH2 (HC) Spherical 36-63 4.5 1.0 900
Presep® (Luer Lock) NH2 Crushed 38-63 6.5 0.7 460

Presep® (Luer Lock) Silica Gel (HC-N)


Presep® (Luer Lock) Silica Gel (HC-N) Column is a column packed with spherical silica gel with a large specific surface area and shows very high retention capability and resolution. As its effect, the quantity of sample that can be loaded by 1 purification operation is approximately twice that of the conventional product (compared with the conventional column of our company), and the cost and time required for fractionation can be reduced. Because of its high retention capability, an eluent with a high proportion of polar solvents can be used, and it is effective for purification of poorly soluble components. This product is also gentle to the environment, for example, by reducing the amount of solvent used and the number of columns discarded. TLC plates (Silica Gel 40F254 TLC Plate-Wako) are recommended for the examination of fractionation conditions.


  • High retention capability and resolution
  • Increased sample load
  • Effective for purification of poorly soluble components

Comparison of retention capability


Reference values of column size, recommended flow rate, and load

Filler Amount
Column Volume
Flow Rate
Estimated Largest Load Value (g)
⊿CV=1 (hard) ⊿CV=2 (normal) ⊿CV=6 (easy)
Type S 15 × 65 approx. 8 7.5 5-10 0.05 0.15 0.3
Type M 20 × 60 approx. 13 15 10-20 0.1 0.3 0.6
Type L 27 × 100 approx. 35 40 20-40 0.3 0.8 1.6
Type 2L 27 × 140 approx. 50 60 20-40 0.4 1.2 2.4
Type 3L 46 × 110 approx. 115 145 40-80 1.0 3.0 6.0
Type 4L 46 × 220 approx. 230 290 40-80 2.0 6.0 12.0

⊿CV: Difference in retention force of the compound
⊿CV=2 or more will improve the efficiency of fractionation and purification.


Example of use


Comparison of load


*Presep® Silica Gel (HC-N) achieves approximately twice the fractionation compared with FUJIFILM Wako’s existing products.

Presep® (Luer Lock) Silica Gel (SP)

Presep® (Luer Lock) Silica Gel (SP) uses a high-quality spherical silica gel and can perform separation and purification with excellent reproducibility, compared with crushed silica gel. TLC plates (Silica Gel 40F254 TLC Plate-Wako) are recommended for the examination of fractionation conditions.


  • Packing of high-quality spherical silica gel
  • Excellent reproducibility
  • Example of confirmation of reproducibility


    *Comparison of separation among three Type L columns (small inter-lot difference)

  • • Example of separation


    *Comparison of column size for Type M, L, and 3L (high resolution is possible regardless of size)

Presep® (Luer Lock) Silica Gel


Presep® (Luer Lock) Silica Gel is a column using high-quality crushed silica gel. It can perform efficient separation and purification. It has a high resolution because it is packed with silica gel of 40 μm particle size. TLC plates (Silica Gel 40F254 TLC Plate-Wako) are recommended for the examination of fractionation conditions.


  • Excellent cost performance
  • Packed with high-quality silica gel

Example of separation


Presep® (Luer Lock) NH2 (HC) / Presep® (Luer Lock) NH2

Presep® (Luer Lock) NH2 (HC) is a column packed with spherical silica gel and Presep® (Luer Lock) NH2 is a column packed with crushed aminopropyl silica gel, respectively. They can perform separation and purification in normal-phase, reversed-phase, and ion exchange modes.
In addition, they are suitable for separation and purification of strongly basic compounds, and tailing compounds in the normal silica gel column can also be separated and purified well.


  • Packing of NH2-modified silica gel with alkalinity
  • Strongly basic compounds can be separated and purified
  • They can perform separation and purification in normal-phase, reversed-phase, and ion exchange modes

Features of aminopropyl silica gel and comparison with normal silica gel


Comparison of separation of strongly basic compounds


Presep® NH2 (HC) column size and reference value of the recommended flow rate

Syringe Size (mm×mm) Filler Amount (g) Column Volume (mL) Recommended Flow Rate (mL/min.)
Type S 15 x 65 approx. 7 7 5-10
Type M 20 x 60 approx. 14 14 10-20
Type L 27 x 100 approx. 34 37 20-40
Type 2L 27 x 140 approx. 50 56 20-40
Type 3L 46 x 10 approx. 110 123 40-80
Type 4L 46 x 220 approx. 220 254 40-80

Comparison of load


Correlation with Presep® (Luar Lock) NH2 / NH2 Silica Gel 60F254 Plate-Wako


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Presep® (Luer Lock) Silica Gel (HC-N)

Presep® (Luer Lock) Silica Gel (SP): Spherical

Presep® (Luer Lock) Silica Gel: Crushed

Presep® (Luer Lock) NH2 (HC) / Presep® (Luer Lock) NH2

For research use or further manufacturing use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

Product content may differ from the actual image due to minor specification changes etc.

If the revision of product standards and packaging standards has been made, there is a case where the actual product specifications and images are different.


Hours of Operation: 8:00 - 17:00 (EST)For other hours than the above, please contact us via the inquiry form.