microRNA Isolation Kit Series

microRNA Isolation Kit Series

FUJIFILM Wako offers a microRNA Isolation Kit series to simplify an entire range of procedures from Ago immunoprecipitation to RNA Purification. This kit series allows recovery of Ago-bound microRNA and target mRNA from both human and mouse cells and tissues, and free Ago-bound microRNA from culture supernatant, serum, and plasma. Obtained RNA can then be analyzed by quantitative PCR, microarrays, and next-generation sequencing. This series includes MagCapture™ microRNA Isolation Kits, which adopt magnetic beads, and microRNA Isolation Kits, which adopt silica-based beads. Features and benefi ts of each product are described below.


MagCapture™ microRNA Isolation Kit (magnetic beads)

We offer four types of MagCapture™ microRNA Isolation Kits: three types contain magnetic beads immobilized to anti human Ago2 antibody (4G8), anti mouse Ago2 antibody (2D4), or anti-Ago1-4 antibody (1G3), and one type contain with Protein G magnetic beads which can immobilize an optional anti Ago subfamily antibodies. All of these kits adopt magnetic beads for easy immunoprecipitation. After immunoprecipitation, two protocols for the RNA Purification step are selectable: One-step method for obtaining high-yield microRNAs by a simple procedure or Spin column method for obtaining highpurity microRNAs.

microRNA Isolation Kit (silica-based beads)

Our microRNA Isolation Kit uses anti-Ago antibodies conjugated to silica-based polymer beads with low non-specific absorbency for centrifuge immunoprecipitation. Post-immunoprecipitation RNA purification steps are performed by phenol/ chloroform and ethanol precipitation. We offer a lineup of four types: anti-Ago1 antibody (2A7), anti human Ago2 antibody (4G8), anti mouse Ago2 antibody (2D4), and anti human Ago3 antibody (1C12).

microRNA Extractor® SP Kit

This kit is for extraction of microRNA from serum or plasma of humans and animals. It enables microRNA extraction without use of phenol, chloroform, and other hazardous reagents required in previous methods.

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microRNA Isolation Kit Series (magnetic beads)

microRNA Isolation Kit Series (silica-based beads)

microRNA Extractor® SP Kit

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For research use or further manufacturing use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

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