JCSS pH Standard Solution


pH is a unit necessary to know the degree of acidity and alkalinity of a solution. It represents the hydrogen ion activity in the solution. Because the hydrogen ion activity in the solution cannot be directly measured, the pH is measured by comparing with the pH of one aqueous solution. Therefore, clear pH definitions and standards are important, so the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the Japanese Industrial Standards (JIS) specify the measurement method for pH 1).

As a JCSS accredited laboratory of inorganic standard solutions (ion standard solutions, metal standard solutions), organic standard solutions and pH standard solutions, FUJIFILM Wako fundamentally supports the reliability of various test and calibration results by ensuring traceability to international measuring standards.
The JCSS standard solution is a standard solution accompanied by a calibration certificate of with a JCSS certification symbol. FUJIFILM Wako was accredited as a certified international MRA certified provider by IAJapan (an accreditation center of National Institute of Technology and Evaluation) which is a member of the MRA (Mutual Recognition Agreement) of ILAC (International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation) and APAC (Asia Pacific Accreditation Cooperation), and issues calibration certificates with the JCSS certification symbol with ILAC MRA in proof of this certification. The results of the calibration value described in this JCSS certificate are internationally acceptable through the MRA of ILAC/APAC.

JCSS standard solutions are available in various pH ranges. Our standard solutions enable more accurate pH measurement.

  1. Ohata, M. et al.: AIST Bulletin of Metrology, 3-4, 657 (2005).


Code Product Name Composition pH
151-01845 Oxalate pH Standard Solution KH3(C2O4)2・2H2O in H2O 1.68
166-12141 Phthalate pH Standard Solution C6H4(COOK)(COOH) in H2O 4.01
163-12151 Phosphate pH Standard Equimolal Solution KH2PO4 - Na2HPO4 in H2O 6.86
166-17445 Phosphate pH Standard Solution KH2PO4 - Na2HPO4 in H2O 7.41
203-08771 Tetraborate pH Standard Solution Na2B4O7 in H2O 9.18
037-16145 Carbonate pH Standard Solution NaHCO3 - Na2CO3 in H2O 10.01

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Ion Standard Solution (Mixture)

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For research use or further manufacturing use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

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Hours of Operation: 8:00 - 17:00 (EST)For other hours than the above, please contact us via the inquiry form.