For short storage such as cell transportation

Cellstor-S & Cellstor-W



Cellstor-S is a cell suspension and preservation solution, and Cellstor-W is a cell wash and preservation solution manufactured by Otsuka Pharmaceutical Factory, Inc.
They are used for refrigerated and room-temperature storage. They do not contain any components of human or animal origin.

※They are reagents for research use and are not intended for medical use in humans or animals.


  • Store cells at room or refrigerated temperature
  • Human and animal origin-free

How to use

Extract the solution with a needle and a syringe. The product package is not designed for cell storage. When storing cells, use a container suitable for cell storage.

Differences in Usage of Cellstor-S and Cellstor-W

  • Since Cellstor-S is formulated with dextran 40, it is not suitable for washing cells when performing centrifugation. In such cases, using “Cellstor-W” solution, which does not contain dextran 40, is recommended.

  • Composition

    Ingredients and their quantities in a bag (250 mL)
    Ingredients Cellstor-S Cellstor-W
    Dextran 40 12.5 g (5%) -
    Trehalose Hydrate 8.29 g (3%)
    Calcium Chloride Hydrate 0.05 g (0.02%)
    Potassium Chloride 0.075 g (0.03%)
    Sodium Chloride 1.5 g (0.6%)
    Sodium L-Lactate 0.775 g (0.3%)
    pH Adjuster Appropriate Amount
    Water for Injection Appropriate Amount

Example of Use 1

Temporal Changes in Cell Viability

Changes in the cell viability of human adipose-derived mesenchymal stromal cells (hADSCs) in Cellstor-S, Cellstor-W or various solutions after storage at 5℃ or 25℃.


Temporal changes in cell viability (25℃) Room Temperature Storage
  • Cell species: hADSCs
  • Cell concentration: 5×105cells/mL
  • Storage temperature: 25℃

Cell viability after 24hr storage
  • Cellstor-S: 98.1%
  • Cellstor-W: 95.6%

Temporal changes in cell viability (5℃) Refrigerated Storage
  • Cell species: hADSCs
  • Cell concentration: 5×105cells/mL
  • Storage temperature: 5℃

Cell viability after 24hr storage
  • Cellstor-S: 95.1%
  • Cellstor-W: 93.5%

Maintained high viability up to at least 24 hours.

Example of Use 2

Colony Formation Ratio

Colony-forming capacity of human adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stromal cells after 6-hour or 24-hour storage at 5℃ or 25℃ in Cellstor-S or Cellstor-W.



Maintained colony formation ratio up to at least 24 hours.

Example of Use 3

Confirmation of Adipogenic Differentiation Ability

Representative images of the adipogenesis differentiation assay with hADSCs (5×105 cells/mL) preserved in Cellstor-S and Cellstor-W after 24-hour storage at 5℃ or 25℃. Adipogenic differentiation was induced and evaluated by Oil Red O staining.


Example of Use 4

Confirmation of Osteogenesis Differentiation Ability

Representative images of the osteogenesis differentiation assay with hADSCs (5×105cells/mL) preserved in Cellstor-S and Cellstor-W after 24-hour storage at 5℃ or 25℃. Osteogenic differentiation was induced and evaluated with an alkaline phosphatase staining kit and a calcified nodule staining kit.


Example of Use 5

Confirmation of Cell Suspension Ability

The percentage of cells in the supernatant after 1 hour of settling in normal saline, lactated Ringerʼs solution and Cellstor-S (The cells in the supernatant immediately after suspension were treated as 100%.)

  • 01692_img11.png
  • 01692_img12.png

Cellstor-S prevents cell sedimentation for at least 1 hour.

Product List

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*These products can be sold in the following countries:
Japan, USA, Germany, France, UK, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Netherlands, Denmark, Switzerland, Sweden, Portugal, South Korea, and China (Macao and Hong Kong are excluded).
We cannot sell to countries other than the above through Fujifilm Wako.

For research use or further manufacturing use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

Product content may differ from the actual image due to minor specification changes etc.

If the revision of product standards and packaging standards has been made, there is a case where the actual product specifications and images are different.


Hours of Operation: 8:00 - 17:00 (EST)For other hours than the above, please contact us via the inquiry form.