Reagent for trans-Fatty Acid Analysis

trans-Fatty acids are contained in margarines and shortenings produced by hydrogenating vegetable oils, also meats and dairy products in naturally derived foods. In recent years, prevention and improvement of obesity and lifestyle-related diseases caused by excessive lipid intake have been promoted from the perspective of trans-fatty acid intake and the risk of heart disease. In Japan, dietary guidelines pay attention to the balance between lipid intake and fatty acid type intake. In other countries, labeling of saturated fatty acids and trans-fatty acids in processed foods is obligatory, and standard values are set for trans-fatty acid concentration in foods.
FUJIFILM Wako provides variety of triglycerols and methyl esterifying agents composed of various saturated fatty acids and various fatty acid methyl esters.


FUJIFILM Wako provides a variety of fatty acids, fatty-acid methyl esters, and triglycerides

A: Fatty acid, M: Fatty acid methyl ester, TAG: Triglyceride, c: cis-, t: trans-

Carbon number*1 Number of unsaturated bonds
0 1 2 3
C11 203-18781(TAG)
C13 200-18791(TAG)
C16 135-07963(M)
C17 084-08661(A)
C18 136-07971(M) 139-08583(M,c9)
125-05821(A,c9,c12) 122-05831
C20 130-17261(M) 137-17271(M,c11)
C21 205-18501(TAG)
C23 200-18811(TAG)

*1: Number of carbons in fatty acids and triglycerides

Internal Reference Material

Analytical methods for trans-fatty acids include the AOCS Official Method (AOCS Ce1h-05) and AOAC International Method (AOAC 996.06). Triheneicosanoin (a triglyceride composed of saturated fatty acids, with 21 carbon atoms; C21:0) is described as an internal reference material for quantification by the AOCS method, and triundecanoin (C11:0) is described as an internal reference material for the quantification of trans-fatty acids by the AOAC method. Heptadecane acid methyl ester (C17) is used as the internal reference material for for vegetable oils and animal fats analysis in the standard methods for the analysis of fats, oils and related materials set by the Japan Oil Chemists’ Society. In addition to the above standard products, FUJIFILM Wako provides an array of triglycerides composed of various saturated fatty acids.

  • Product Code Product Name C
    084-08661 Heptadecanoic Acid Standard 17:0*2
    203-18781 Triundecanoin Standard 11:0*3
    200-18791 Tritridecanoin Standard 13:0*3
    203-18801 Triheptadecanoin Standard 17:0*3
    205-18501 Triheneicosanoin Standard 21:0*3
    200-18811 Tritricosanoin Standard 23:0*3

  • *2: Number of carbons in fatty acids; Number of unsaturated bonds in fatty acids
    *3: Number of carbons in fatty acids that constitute triglycerides; Number of unsaturated bonds in fatty acids

Analysis example

    • Triundecanoin Standard
      【HPLC Conditions】
      Column temp.
      Flow rate
      :Wakopak® Navi C18-5 4.6 mmφ x 25 cm
      :40 ℃
      :CH3CN/CHCl3 = 75/25
      :1.0 mL/min
    • Triheneicosanoin Standard
      【HPLC Conditions】
      Column temp.
      Flow rate
      :Wakopak® Navi C18-5 4.6 mmφ x 25 cm
      :40 ℃
      :CH3CN/CHCl3 = 55/45
      :1.0 mL/min

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Internal Reference Materials

Methyl Esterifying Agent

Saturated Fatty Acid Methyl Ester

Mono-Unsaturated Fatty Acid Methyl Ester(cis form)

Mono-Unsaturated Fatty Acid Methyl Ester(trans form)

Linoleic Acid, α-linolenic Acid

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Extraction Solvents

For research use or further manufacturing use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

Product content may differ from the actual image due to minor specification changes etc.

If the revision of product standards and packaging standards has been made, there is a case where the actual product specifications and images are different.


Hours of Operation: 8:00 - 17:00 (EST)For other hours than the above, please contact us via the inquiry form.