[Yakult] Enzymes for Protoplast Preparation


Cellulase Onozuka™ R-10, Cellulase Onozuka™ RS and Macerozyme™ R-10 are enzymes supplied by Yakult Pharmaceutical Industry Co. Ltd. and used for protoplast preparation. By using these products, protoplasts can be prepared with relative ease.

Cellulase Onozuka™ R-10 / Cellulase Onozuka™ RS
These products degrade natural cellulose and dissolve plant cell walls. Used in isolating protoprasts from plant mesophyll and cultured cells.

Macerozyme™ R-10
This product contains pectinase and hemicellulase at high titers and degrades plant tissues to single cells.

Summary of Protoplast Preparation

If plant tissue is separated into single cells with plant tissue macerating enzymes and then treated with plant tissue degrading enzymes, the plant tissue becomes a single cell, If it is further and treated with cell wall degrading enzymes, the cell wall dissolves leaving spherical cells encased in the cell membrane, known as protoplasts. These are used in cell engineering for a variety of different purposes, including; protoplasts from different types of plants being fused together to create new plants, or new genes being introduced into cells to give plants new properties.


Product Information

Product Lineup

10 g type (conventional product) Vial type
Product Number 636-01441 639-01431 635-02631 635-49751 632-49761 639-49771
Product Name Cellulase Onozuka™
Cellulase Onozuka™
Cellulase Onozuka™
Cellulase Onozuka™
Enzyme Activity More than 10,000 u/g More than 16,000 u/g More than 3,000 u/g More than 10,000 u/g More than 16,000 u/g More than 3,000 u/g
Packaging 02049_img03.png 02049_img04.png 02049_img05.png 02049_img06.png 02049_img07.png 02049_img08.png
10g/brown bottle 5 vials/box
Optimal pH pH 4.0 to 5.0 pH5.0 to 6.0 pH 4.0 to 5.0 pH5.0 to 6.0
Optimal Temperature 40 to 55 ℃ 40 to 50 ℃ 40 to 55 ℃ 40 to 50 ℃

Excellent Solubility of Vial type

Improved solubility compared to the conventional product, enhances workability and operability.


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10 g type

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For research use or further manufacturing use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

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Hours of Operation: 8:00 - 17:00 (EST)For other hours than the above, please contact us via the inquiry form.