Column for DNA/RNA separation and purification "Presep® DNA/RNA"


Presep® DNA/RNA columns are solid-phase extraction columns suitable for the separation and purification of nucleic acids. Type A columns are mini-columns filled with a silica-based separating agent in a barrel-shaped syringe, which can be used for solid-phase extraction in reversed-phase systems.


  • Achieves a high sample load​
  • Enables a sample load 3 to 5 times higher than commercially available pretreatment columns
  • Excellent deprotection efficiency
  • Enables purification with a high level of purity and high recovery rate

Product Appearance



No. Product Name Packing Materials Syringe Size Purification amount
1. Presep® DNA/RNA Type A (85 mg / 1 mL) Silica gel 5.5 φ × 57 mm 0.2-0.5 μmol
2. Presep® DNA/RNA Type A (255 mg / 3 mL) Silica gel 9.0 φ × 63 mm 1-1.5 μmol
3. Presep® DNA/RNA Type A (1.0 g / 15 mL) Silica gel 15 φ × 87 mm 4-6 μmol
4. Presep® DNA/RNA Type A (1.7 mg / 25 mL) Silica gel 21 φ × 85 mm 6-10 μmol
5. Presep® DNA/RNA Type A (5.1 mg / 70 mL) Silica gel 27 φ × 134 mm 20-30 μmol

Precautions for Use​

Presep® DNA/RNA should be used in the aspiration mode where the exit side of the column is depressurized and aspirated. An aspiration manifold is useful for handling multiple samples.​

Solid-phase extraction conditions (recommended)​

1. Presep® DNA/RNA Type A (85 mg / 1 mL)

Steps Materials Amount Used
Conditioning Acetonitrile 1 mL
100 mg/mL NaCl aq. 1 mL × 2
Sample Load Sample solution 0.5 mL + 100 mg/mL NaCl aq. 0.5 mL 1mL
Washing 1 Acetonitrile/100 mg/mL NaCl aq.=5/95(v/v) 1 mL × 2
Deprotection 2% DCA*1 aq. (DCA/Water=2/98(v/v)) 1 mL
Washing 2 RNase Free Water 1 mL × 2
Elution 0.5% NH4OH in Acetonitrile/Water=50/50(v/v)*2 1 mL

2. Presep® DNA/RNA Type A (255 mg / 3 mL)

Steps Materials Amount Used
Conditioning Acetonitrile 3 mL
100 mg/mL NaCl aq. 3 mL × 2
Sample Load Sample solution 1 mL + 100 mg/mL NaCl aq. 1 mL 2 mL
Washing 1 Acetonitrile/100 mg/mL NaCl aq.=5/95(v/v) 3 mL × 2
Deprotection 2% DCA*1 aq. (DCA/Water=2/98(v/v)) 3 mL
Washing 2 RNase Free Water 3 mL × 2
Elution 0.5% NH4OH in Acetonitrile/Water=50/50(v/v)*2 3 mL

3. Presep® DNA/RNA Type A (1.0 g / 15 mL)

Steps Materials Amount Used
Conditioning Acetonitrile 12 mL
100 mg/mL NaCl aq. 12 mL × 2
Sample Load Sample solution 5 mL + 100 mg/mL NaCl aq. 5 mL 10 mL
Washing 1 Acetonitrile/100 mg/mL NaCl aq.=5/95(v/v) 12 mL × 2
Deprotection 2% DCA*1 aq. (DCA/Water=2/98(v/v)) 12 mL
Washing 2 RNase Free Water 12 mL × 2
Elution 0.5% NH4OH in Acetonitrile/Water=50/50(v/v)*2 12 mL

4. Presep® DNA/RNA Type A (1.7 g / 25 mL)

Steps Materials Amount Used
Conditioning Acetonitrile 20 mL
100 mg/mL NaCl aq. 20 mL × 2
Sample Load Sample solution 10 mL + 100 mg/mL NaCl aq. 10 mL 20 mL
Washing 1 Acetonitrile/100 mg/mL NaCl aq.=5/95(v/v) 20 mL × 2
Deprotection 2% DCA*1 aq. (DCA/Water=2/98(v/v)) 20 mL
Washing 2 RNase Free Water 20 mL × 2
Elution 0.5% NH4OH in Acetonitrile/Water=50/50(v/v)*2 20 mL

5. Presep® DNA/RNA Type A (5.1 mg / 70 mL)

Steps Materials Amount Used
Conditioning Acetonitrile 60 mL
100 mg/mL NaCl aq. 60 mL × 2
Sample Load Sample solution 20 mL + 100 mg/mL NaCl aq. 20 mL 40 mL
Washing 1 Acetonitrile/100 mg/mL NaCl aq.=5/95(v/v) 60 mL × 2
Deprotection 2% DCA*1 aq. (DCA/Water=2/98(v/v)) 60 mL
Washing 2 RNase Free Water 60 mL × 2
Elution 0.5% NH4OH in Acetonitrile/Water=50/50(v/v)*2 60 mL
*1 DCA = Dichloroacetic Acid
*2 Add 50 µL of 28% ammonium hydroxide per 10 mL of 50% acetonitrile in water.

Comparison of separation capacity​

1. Recovery of oligonucleotide​

Sample of Cartridge Column

(Presep® DNA/RNA Type A)
Competitor A Competitor B Competitor C
Particle Support Silica gel Silica gel Polymer Polymer

Sample of Oligonucleotide

Sample Name Length Linkage Structure
Sample 1 14 mer PO
Sample 2 21 mer PO
Sample 3 21 mer PS
Sample 4 50 mer PO

Cartridge Column vs Recovery of oligonucleotide [%]

Presep® DNA/RNA Type A
achieves high recovery.
Wako ≒ B > A > C
  • Oligonucleotide samples were purified using the protocol recommended by each company.​
  • Oligonucleotide concentration was measured with an absorbance meter.​
  • Recovery was calculated as "oligonucleotide concentration in the eluate/oligonucleotide concentration before loading".​

2. Allowable load of oligonucleotide​

Sample Load vs Recovery of oligonucleotide [%]

Presep® DNA/RNA Type A has
a high support retention capacity.

When the ratio of the load of oligonucleotide to support was increased to 9.7, Wako’s product maintained a recovery rate of 75% or higher in contrast to competitor products (A, B, and C) that had a recovery rate of less than 65%.

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Solvents for HPLC

For research use or further manufacturing use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

Product content may differ from the actual image due to minor specification changes etc.

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Hours of Operation: 8:00 - 17:00 (EST)For other hours than the above, please contact us via the inquiry form.