GC Lymphotec iStock


GC Lymphotec Inc.'s iStock is a cell cryopreservation medium that contains no serum or non-human animal-derived components and is suitable for human ES/iPS cells and regenerative medicine research.
iStock ensures long-term stability. Collected cells can be suspended in this product and simply quick-frozen in an ultra-low temperature freezer for long-term storage. Cells can also be frozen and kept at -80oC for about 12 hours and then stored in liquid nitrogen.


  • Free of serum and animal-derived components
  • No need for a programmed freezer
  • No need to prepare a preservation medium
  • Suitable for quick-freezing and long-term storage at -80℃
  • 3-year shelf life under refrigeration
  • Approval from PMDA as raw materials can be used for regenerative medicine product

Performance comparison between iStock and other cryopreservation media

  • Human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC)


    PBMCs were isolated from the blood of 9 healthy subjects who gave informed consent and cultured for 4 days in GC Lymphotec lymphocyte culture medium in OKT3 antibody-coated flasks.
    Cultured cells were resuspended to 1.5×107 cells/mL in a serum-containing preservation medium or iStock, and frozen at -80℃ by the slow-freezing method. The cells were transferred to a liquid nitrogen tank on the next day, stored for 7 days, and then thawed to compare the recovery rate. (Recovery rate = number of cells after thawing / number of cells before freezing x 100%)

    ⇒ Recovery rate was equivalent to between iStock and a serum-containing cryopreservation medium.

  • Mouse ES cells


    Cultured mouse ES cells were resuspended to 4 x 106 cells/mL in 10% DMSO/Medium, iStock, product A, or product B. One mL of each cell suspension was dispensed into cryopreservation tubes (n=4) and frozen at -80 without using a freezing container. The cells were transferred to liquid nitrogen on the next day and stored for 1 week. The cells were quickly thawed at 37, centrifuged, and resuspended in the culture medium to determine the number of viable cells to compare the recovery rate.

    ⇒ Recovery rate was higher with iStock than other cryopreservation media.

  • Human iPS cells


    Human iPS cells were frozen at the concentration of 3×106 cells/tube (n=3) and stored in liquid nitrogen.
    After thawing, cells were seeded in culture vessels and counted 3 days later.

    ⇒ Cell growth after thawing was significantly better with iStock than with competitor’s product A

How to Use iStock


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For research use or further manufacturing use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

Product content may differ from the actual image due to minor specification changes etc.

If the revision of product standards and packaging standards has been made, there is a case where the actual product specifications and images are different.


Hours of Operation: 8:00 - 17:00 (EST)For other hours than the above, please contact us via the inquiry form.