Standard Solution for ICP Analysis

Control of trace elements (metals) in electronic materials, water, food and pharmaceuticals is required. Since simultaneous multi-element analysis is the mainstream in trace element analysis, impurity element information in the standard solutions is important.
Fujifilm Wako offers low-impurity element and high-purity standard solutions for ICP Analysis.

From March 2023, Fujifilm Wako has become the first company in Japan to obtain comprehensive accreditation (flexible scope of accreditation) as an inorganic reference material manufacturer based on ASNITE accreditation. Fujifilm Wako will sequentially renew ICP analysis grade of elemental standard solutions to SI traceable certified reference materials (CRM).

Product Line Up

  • : for ICP Analysis (CRM) * Items will be released sequentially.
  • : for ICP Analysis
  • : JCSS
Li Be B C N O F Ne
Na Mg Al Si P*1 S*1 Cl Ar
K Ca Sc Ti V CrCr(Ⅲ) Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr
Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe
Cs Ba Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn
Fr Ra
La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
Ac Th Pa U

(As of April 2024)
*1 Although it is a JCSS grade standard solution (non-ICP Analysis grade), containing impurity elements information are described in the Wako product manual as well as ICP Analysis grade. JCSS grade’s Wako product manual is not described the traceability source, but this is CRM traceable to NMIJ CRM.
*2 Items will be released sequentially.


  • Assured impurity elements on the order of ppb using ICP-MS.
  • Information of impurity elements is described in the Wako product manual (attached to the product).
  • Use raw materials that do not contain other elements to reduce impurity elements.
  • Certified reference material (CRM) whose concentration value is SI traceable*.

* Only for some products. (Planned to be sequentially renewed to CRM.)

Effect of impurity elements on ICP analysis

When preparing the A/B mixture standard solution by mixing the A element standard solution and the B element standard solution, if the A element standard solution contains B/C impurity elements, the B impurity element in the A element standard solution may be detected as an "error" during ICP analysis of A/B mixture solution. In ICP-MS analysis, "interference" that is not concerned when analyzing the A element standard solution alone, may occur due to the influence of the C impurity element in the A element standard solution. In simultaneous multi-elements analysis which impurity elements in the standard solution affect ICP measurement results, Fujifilm Wako recommends using a "standard solution for ICP Analysis grade" whose concentration of impurity elements is assured.


Wako product manual

Wako product manual containing information of impurity elements is attached with the product.
Ex) Wako product manual for Aluminum Standard Solution (Al 1000)


Use of raw materials that do not contain other elements

Fujifilm Wako uses raw materials for ICP Analysis grade standard solutions that do not contain other elements to reduce impurity elements.


Differences between ICP Analysis (CRM) Grade and ICP Analysis (non-CRM (Before Renewal)) Grade

for ICP Analysis (CRM) for ICP Analysis
SI traceability -
(Concentration is measured using JCSS or NIST SRM)
Certified reference material (CRM) -
Impurity element guarantee
Attached document IAJapan certificate Wako product manual

Traceability of ICP Analysis Grade (CRM)

From March 2023, Fujifilm Wako has become the first company in Japan to obtain comprehensive accreditation (flexible scope of accreditation) as an inorganic reference material manufacturer based on ASNITE accreditation. "Flexible scope of accreditation as an inorganic reference material manufacturer" is a system that allows element standard solution to be produced as certified reference materials (CRM) without obtaining individual accreditation, if the element standard solution concentration can be valued using a method accredited by a accreditation body. Fujifilm Wako will quickly supply CRM using flexible scope of accreditation.

The element standard solution for ICP analysis (CRM) series is a CRM whose concentration value has been valued using a method, which has received flexible scope of accreditation from IAJapan, and a standard reference material of National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST SRM), etc.
Fujifilm Wako will sequentially renew ICP analysis grade of elemental standard solutions to SI traceable CRM.


Composition Information

for ICP analysis (CRM)

Code No. Product name Composition Concentration (mg/L) Traceability source
167-28921 Phosphorus Standard Solution [JCSS] * P H3PO4 in H2O 1,000 JCSS
191-19051 Sulfur Standard Solution [JCSS] * S H2 SO4 in H2O 1,000 JCSS
011-28591 Aluminium Standard Solution [certified standard material] Al Al(NO3)3・9H2O in 5 w/w% HNO3 1,000 NIST SRM
034-26121 Calcium Standard Solution [certified standard material] Ca CaCO3 in 5 w/w% HNO3 1,000 NIST SRM
036-26201 Cadmium Standard Solution [certified standard material] Cd Cd in 5 w/w% HNO3 1,000 NIST SRM
035-26151 Cobalt Standard Solution [certified standard material] Co Co in 5 w/w% HNO3 1,000 NIST SRM
033-26191 Copper Standard Solution [certified standard material] Cu Cu in 5 w/w% HNO3 1,000 NIST SRM
052-09541 Erbium Standard Solution [certified standard material] Er Er2O3 in 5 w/w% HNO3 1,000 NIST SRM
129-06941 Lutetium Standard Solution [certified standard material] Lu Lu2O3 in 5 w/w% HNO3 1,000 NIST SRM
134-19481 Magnesium Standard Solution [certified standard material] Mg MgO in 5 w/w% HNO3 1,000 NIST SRM
130-19461 Manganese Standard Solution [certified standard material] Mn Mn in 5 w/w% HNO3 1,000 NIST SRM
143-10091 Neodymium Standard Solution [certified standard material] Nd Nd2O3 in 5 w/w% HNO3 1,000 NIST SRM
141-10151 Nickel Standard Solution [certified standard material] Ni NiO in 5 w/w% HNO3  1,000 NIST SRM
127-06981 Lead Standard Solution [certified standard material] Pb Pb(NO3)2 in 5 w/w% HNO3 1,000 NIST SRM
206-21601 Tin Standard Solution [certified standard material] Sn SnCl4 in 5 w/w% HCl 1,000 NIST SRM
202-21561 Terbium Standard Solution [certified standard material] Tb Tb4O7 in 5 w/w% HNO3 1,000 NIST SRM
259-00711 Yttrium Standard Solution [certified standard material] Y Y2O3 in 5 w/w% HNO3 1,000 NIST SRM
266-02341 Zinc Standard Solution [certified standard material] Zn ZnO in 5 w/w% HNO3  1,000 NIST SRM

* Although it is a JCSS grade standard solution (non-ICP Analysis grade), containing impurity elements information are described in the Wako productmanual as well as ICP Analysis grade.

for ICP analysis (non-CRM)

Code No. Product name Composition Concentration (mg/L) Traceability source
195-18591 Silver Standard Solution Ag AgNO3 in 5 w/w% HNO3 1,000 JCSS
016-27701 Aluminum Standard Solution Al Al(NO3)3・9H2O in 5 w/w% HNO3 1,000 JCSS
013-27571 Arsenic Standard Solution As As2O3 in 5 w/w% HNO3 1,000 JCSS
074-06661 Gold Standard Solution Au HAuCl4・4H2O in 5 w/w% HCl 1,000 NIST SRM
024-19231 Boron Standard Solution B H3BO3 in H2O 1,000 JCSS
027-19221 Barium Standard Solution Ba BaCO3 in 5 w/w% HNO3 1,000 JCSS
028-19251 Bismuth Standard Solution Bi Bi(NO3)3 in 5 w/w% HNO3 1,000 JCSS
035-25431 Calcium Standard Solution Ca CaCO3 in 5 w/w% HNO3 1,000 JCSS
032-25321 Cadmium Standard Solution Cd Cd in 0.5 w/w% HNO3 1,000 JCSS
032-25701 Cerium Standard Solution Ce CeO2 in 5 w/w% HNO3 etc. 1,000 NIST SRM
039-25451 Chromium Standard Solution Cr CrO3 in 5 w/w% HNO3 1,000 JCSS
039-25831 Chromium(III) Standard Solution Cr(Ⅲ) Cr(NO3)3・9H2O in 5 w/w% HNO3 1,000 NIST SRM
035-25311 Cesium Standard Solution Cs CsNO3 in H2O 1,000 JCSS
036-25341 Copper Standard Solution Cu Cu in 5 w/w% HNO3 1,000 JCSS
044-34591 Dysprosium Standard Solution Dy Dy2O3 in 5 w/w% HNO3 1,000 NIST SRM
053-09331 Erbium Standard Solution Er Er2O3 in 5 w/w% HNO3 1,000 NIST SRM
056-09321 Europium Standard Solution Eu Eu2O3 in 5 w/w% HNO3 1,000 NIST SRM
096-07321 Iron Standard Solution Fe Fe in 5 w/w% HNO3 1,000 JCSS
071-06671 Gallium Standard Solution Ga Ga in 5 w/w% HNO3 1,000 JCSS
070-06761 Gadolinium Standard Solution Gd Gd2O3 in 5 w/w% HNO3 1,000 NIST SRM
078-06681 Germanium Standard Solution Ge GeO2 in 5 w/w% HNO3 etc. 1,000 NIST SRM
083-10601 Hafnium Standard Solution Hf HfCl4 in 5 w/w% HCl 1,000 NIST SRM
139-18831 Mercury Standard Solution Hg Hg in 5 w/w% HNO3 1,000 JCSS
085-10541 Holmium Standard Solution Ho Ho2O3 in 5 w/w% HNO3 1,000 NIST SRM
099-07311 Indium Standard Solution In In in 5 w/w% HNO3 1,000 JCSS
093-07331 Iridium Standard Solution Ir H2IrCl6・nH2O in 5% HCl 1,000 -
162-28351 Potassium Standard Solution K KNO3 in H2O 1,000 JCSS
123-06841 Lanthanum Standard Solution La La in 5 w/w% HNO3 1,000 NIST SRM
127-06741 Lithium Standard Solution Li LiNO3 in 5 w/w% HNO3 1,000 JCSS
127-06861 Lutetium Standard Solution Lu Lu2O3 in 5 w/w% HNO3 1,000 NIST SRM
135-18931 Molybdenum Standard Solution Mo (NH4)6Mo7O24・4H2O 1,000 JCSS
198-18581 Sodium Standard Solution Na NaNO3 in H2O 1,000 JCSS
147-09881 Niobium Standard Solution Nb Nb in 2 w/w% HNO3 etc. 1,000 NIST SRM
143-09861 Neodymium Standard Solution Nd Nd2O3 in 5 w/w% HNO3 1,000 NIST SRM
157-03601 Osmium Standard Solution Os (NH4 )2OsCl6 in 7 w/w% HCl 1,000 -
124-06751 Lead Standard Solution Pb Pb(NO3 )2 in 5 w/w% HNO3 1,000 JCSS
160-28411 Palladium Standard Solution Pd Pd in 5 w/w% HNO3 etc. 1,000 NIST SRM
167-28781 Praseodymium Standard Solution Pr Pr6O11 in 5 w/w% HNO3 1,000 NIST SRM
165-28341 Platinum Standard Solution Pt H2Cl6 Pt・6H2O in 5 w/w% HCl 1,000 NIST SRM
188-03391 Rubidium Standard Solution Rb RbNO3 in H2O 1,000 JCSS
189-03441 Rhenium Standard Solution Re Re in 5 w/w% HNO3 1,000 NIST SRM
180-03471 Rhodium Standard Solution Rh RhCl3・3H2O in 5 w/w% HCl 1,000 NIST SRM
182-03431 Ruthenium Standard Solution Ru RuCl3・xH2O in 5 w/w% HNO3 1,000 -
010-27581 Antimony Standard Solution Sb Sb2O3 in 5 w/w% HNO3 etc. 1,000 JCSS
196-18901 Scandium Standard Solution Sc Sc2O3 in 5 w/w% HNO3 1,000 NIST SRM
196-18641 Selenium Standard Solution Se SeO2 in 5 w/w% HNO3 1,000 JCSS
197-18671 Silicon Standard Solution Si SiO2 in 0.2 w/w% HF 1,000 NIST SRM
197-18791 Samarium Standard Solution Sm Sm2O3 in 5 w/w% HNO3 1,000 NIST SRM
209-20731 Tin Standard Solution Sn SnCl4 in 5 w/w% HCl 1,000 JCSS
199-18631 Strontium Standard Solution Sr SrCO3 in 5 w/w% HNO3 1,000 JCSS
201-21151 Tantalum Standard Solution Ta Ta in 2% HNO3 etc. 1,000 NIST SRM
209-21071 Terbium Standard Solution Tb Tb4O7 in 5 w/w% HNO3 1,000 NIST SRM
207-20771 Tellurium Standard Solution Te H6TeO6 in 5 w/w% HNO3 1,000 JCSS
200-21001 Titanium Standard Solution Ti Ti in 16 w/w% HCl 1,000 NIST SRM
206-20741 Thallium Standard Solution Tl TlNO3 in 5 w/w% HNO3 1,000 JCSS
203-21091 Thulium Standard Solution Tm Tm2O3 in 5 w/w% HNO3 1,000 NIST SRM
223-02411 Vanadium Standard Solution V NH4VO3 in 5 w/w% HNO3 etc. 1,000 JCSS
207-21011 Tungsten Standard Solution W W in 5 w/w% HNO3 etc. 1,000 NIST SRM
252-00681 Ytterbium Standard Solution Yb Yb2O3 in 5 w/w% HNO3 1,000 NIST SRM
260-02241 Zinc Standard Solution Zn ZnO in 5 w/w% HNO3 1,000 JCSS
265-02291 Zirconium Standard Solution Zr ZrCl4 in 7 w/w% HCl 1,000 NIST SRM

Product List

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for ICP Analysis (CRM)

for ICP Analysis (non-CRM)

Author: C. T. Nguyen

For research use or further manufacturing use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

Product content may differ from the actual image due to minor specification changes etc.

If the revision of product standards and packaging standards has been made, there is a case where the actual product specifications and images are different.


Hours of Operation: 8:00 - 17:00 (EST)For other hours than the above, please contact us via the inquiry form.