Wako Blog

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Analytical Chemistry

Analytical Chemistry Technical Report

[Technical Report] Simultaneous Analysis of Veterinary Drugs Using STQ Method

This article was written by Ms. Mikie Shima, AiSTI SCIENCE Co., Ltd., Technical & Marketing Group, for Vol. 13 (August 2020), of ChemGrowing.
The content of this article is from the time of publication. It is not the latest information due to new knowledge and changes in regulatory rules after original publication.

As interest in food security and safety is increasing, the analysis of veterinary drugs remaining in food is important. However, there are various kinds of veterinary drugs with different physical pro...

Analytical Chemistry Technical Report

[Chromatography Q & A]: Differences among solvents for QTofMS, HPLC, and LC/MS

HPLC has been used in a wide range of fields as an analytical procedure that can be applied to analysis of a wide range of samples. Solvents used in HPLC are selected based on conditions, such as diss...

Analytical Chemistry Technical Report

[Technical Report] Analysis examples of proficiency substances by "ADRA", a method for the evaluation of skin sensitization, using Wakopak® Core C18 ADRA

This article was written by Yuki Suto, FUJIFILM Wako Pure Chemical Corporation, for Vol. 87, No.4 (October 2019) of Wako Junyaku Jiho.
The content of this article is from the time of publication. It is not the latest information due to new knowledge and changes in regulatory rules after original publication.

In recent years, establishment of regulations for animal testing have been encouraged from the viewpoints of 3Rs principles (replacement, reduction, and refinement) for animal testing and welfare. Esp...

Analytical Chemistry

Wait a minute! Can the "Standard" prepared now really become the Analytical Standard?

ICP analyzers can analyze multiple elements simultaneously in a single measurement. Therefore, they are useful for controlling trace elements in foods and drugs in addition to electronic materials and...

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